Frame teams up with Istanbul-in-Between for ‘What’s the matter? – Design for a phygital world. Part II’ at the 3rd Istanbul Design Biennial‘s Parallel Events programme.The panel discussions for a phygital future will take place on 26–27 October at Alt Bomonti, running parallel to Istanbul Design Biennial. The event and exhibition design will be made within the partnership of Istanbul Bilgi University Industrial Product Design Department.

A phygital future in which both physical and digital are in constant conversation, so inherently intertwined that it is difficult to distinguish one from the other. How can physical objects suggest the aesthetic of a digital future? How can digital matter inform physical design? The speakers are all focused on creating online and offline spaces, transforming digital world to physical world through different media, seeking the potential of digital technologies, sound, spatial design and architecture. There will be immersive presentations that stimulate the senses by Alice Dunseath, Aslı Serbest, Bastiaan de Nennie, Buşra Tunç, Jordan Soderbergh Mills, Osman Koç, Selçuk Artut, Simhe Hough and Yoğunluk.


 –   B U S R A   T U N C   –  

Busra Tunç’s design approach is based on multidisciplinary network. She mostly focuses on new ways of seeing, producing of new perceptions and research for today’s images. She adopts an integrated design view in her work. She gets the main motivation from space itself. The space is the focus point to create the idea of artwork. With this point of view, she creates site-specific installations and spatial experiences using various materials, visuals and sounds as tools for building the atmosphere.

Mostly she works with a multitude textures and layers, creating new ways of looking at these complex structures and transforming them using digital tools, such as video and photography. She aims to make visible the digital world by transforming to the physical world by using analogue tools, light and physical materials.Buşra Tunç, Sinusoid, audiovisual light installation, 2015


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